Arft finally gets his complex
Arft honored
That's coach Arft, my high school coach, who changed my life in high school showing me the world of running.
Here's an excert of the speech I wrote for him: When I was part of the team that won 49 straight dual meets, racked up
tons of champions and produced some of the best runners in the state,
we used to joke that they should build a statue of Arft outside the
After all, the trophy cases inside the school are overcrowded with
awards earned by his teams, he's produced hundreds of great people out
into the world and he's been here since its doors opened in 1975.
Today's honor is only a small way of giving back and it's no statue,
but it's well deserved and satisfying to know his name will echo
throughout the stadium not just in the memories of his former
athletes, but by any jogger curious enough to read his sign and wonder
about his legacy.
Moving out
I moved the rest of my stuff out of Apt. 430. Pretty sad to say goodbye after two years. I kept finding more and more stuff. A painting of Frank Sinatra, my Akron marathon hat and my retainer among them.
Teary goodbye
My favorite clerk at 7-Eleven was working tonight when I went in to say goodbye. After two years of stopping in everyday, I got my last Slurpee from the place. When I told her it was my last day, she became quite sad and gave me the Slurpee for free. Wow! They've given me Slurpees on credit before, but never for free!
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