This 400 million year old 60-foot waterfall was found on one run. My summer sightseeing takes me deep into the wooded trails of Ohio. Most would be surprised that this industrial town has such a backbone of beauty. I ran 37 miles in the past four days on the narrow paths of Cleveland's parks. On today's run, I spent at least 10 minutes sneaking up on a small fawn. As it nibbled on grass, I watched and found myself somewhat lost in the moment. That run down the Towpath trail included the echoing croak of frogs in the mucky swamps, the crooning of birds flying from tree to tree and the scary rattling of the crusty leaves as squirrels scatter away.
Andy came into town this weekend. So I showed him Cleveland, the best way I knew how. I took him with me to the back trails. He was surprised by the root covered trails that seem to be nonstop up and down hills. At night we joined the other interns at the bars. We even stopped by the Midnight Martini show where Sinatra impersonators croon and joke and drink into the night. Classic.